

in clean energy



We have always been advisors for schools to assist with funding and incentive programs, it was our business way before COVID, we’ve helped hundreds of schools. but as you can imagine after COVID, this is the most programs we have ever seen. 


Everyone wants clean and green energy upgrades, but either manpower, expertise, or available budget can be in the way.
— GCE Founder & CEO Andrew Bittner

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Imagine leveraging energy you no longer use, to give you the freedom to implement clean energy at no upfront cost.
We do it every day, and it still excites us.
— GCE Team

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GCE is an energy advisor that provides the engineering, planning, and financial system so that your organization can invest in energy projects with guaranteed results.  Insight is everything. Energy projects strategically designed (by GCE and the client together) maximize the use of resources and funds. It feels different when you can trust the company working on your energy project, and that communication and clarity means everything to the long-term success of your projects. You reap the benefits of energy improvements, save your capital to grow your organization, all through a self performing energy asset.

GCE works with both public and private organizations. Our specialty is to work with institutional clients such as schools systems, municipalities, and private universities.

“Providing over $90 million for our current customers to upgrade their energy infrastructure and implement energy projects with positive cash flow GUARANTEED.”

We are Advisors. We don’t sell products, we sit on your side of the table and help you design and develop an energy strategy that fits your operations and remains cash flow positive. We want every customer to receive vast energy upgrades and pay nothing. It is all about using and designing clean energy as a way to pay for itself. Insight is everything.

The focus is to alleviate the 3 main concerns for energy efficiency and generation projects:

1. Eliminate the burden of high up-front capital costs for upgrades with projects that pay for themselves.

2. Design, engineer, and facilitate energy upgrades from start to finish.

3. Remove the burden of uncertainty, by providing 100% Guarantee of energy savings performance

By focusing on value and investing in energy efficiency and generation, the GCE system creates a WIN, WIN, WIN, scenario for building owners, workers, and clean energy.

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Our clients appreciate that we operate on behalf of their interest, maintaining the "power of information" so they remain in the driver's seat.  The funding strategy is nice, but once you know you have the costs covered the most important part of the system is driving home value. GCE takes multiple steps to give you the customer the greatest impact by having a specialist on your team.

-We analyze the facility and perform Energy modeling

-Engineer and identify cost-effective savings measures for each specific facility

-Guarantee the performance of the energy savings

-Run a comprehensive "Apples to Apples" bid process to level the field and reduce change orders

-Negotiate with vendors to drive down costs of projects

-Identify and file for incentives

-Align the funding mechanisms to pay for the project

-File the paperwork and organize the entire process into a structured system

GCE funding is available for energy savings projects that show "definitive and calculated engineered savings," with the main focus that they are "financially positive" over a set time, including:

  • LED Lighting

  • HVAC

  • Sensors

  • VFD motors

  • VFD pumps

  • Building Automation

  • Insulation

  • Windows

  • Solar & Wind

  • Electrical Balance

  • Solar Film

  • Others available

GCE designs projects that pay for themselves 100%, with no up-front cash payment* and GUARANTEES a positive financial return DAY 1. 

GCE clients include commercial, industrial, and both public and private institutions. Minimum requirement is 50,000 square feet to invest in a total project's energy efficiency. 

GCE has developed a systematic approach to energy generation for schools, and 2020 couldn’t be better timing.

GCE has developed a systematic approach to energy generation for schools, and 2020 couldn’t be better timing.

Perfect Timing

In the past, all renewable energy was an “idea for the future” that fiscally concerned organizations did not have the luxury of investing into. In 2020, an almost perfect storm of timing, incentive programs, lowered costs, and funding mechanisms, have made this the optimum time to invest in solar for projects sized 1-10MW.

Schools are a Good Fit for Solar

  • Ground mounted and rooftop solar installations are the most cost effective installations, require less permitting, and schools often have both in large supply.

  • Solar power is best consumed during the day without having to save the power in storage, and schools operate mostly during the same sunlight hours.

  • Schools normally can’t take the tax incentives of renewable clean energy generation, but our exclusive GCE “Energy for Education” program allows schools to take advantage of all the incentives and then some.

  • The reduced cost of the project with tax incentives makes it so you can actually receive clean solar energy not at a higher price than standard, but actually less expensive than your standard utility rate.

Community Stewardship

  • Schools can use the solar and renewable energy for educational purposes.

  • Schools are in a leadership position in the community.

  • Schools value attracting new students and having renewable energy is a way to set your schools apart.

Energy Development Funding Mechanisms

With no money out of pocket, a school can have million of dollars invested into an energy project through our “Energy for Education” development program. This program, “Energy for Education” allows schools committed to sustainable energy practices to have access to this energy generation program without paying for the project upfront or dealing with the liability of managing the solar array.

What’s in it for you? (the organization)

It is as simple as leasing the land for $1, and powering your building with clean solar energy. We only have this program available for the remainder of 2020, so we are looking to help communities that are truly invested in wanting clean energy.

GCE’s Role

Solar is complicated, and it requires:

Months of preparation

Engineering, audits, evaluations

Environmental studies


Work with the utility company

Applications to several government entities

Constant project management 

Up-front costs from $60-100K+

GCE pays for, and manages the entire development process with no money out of pocket to the school.

To schedule your meeting, call and ask for one of our “Energy for Education” specialists, at (614) 344-8364.



Why is it possible now?

It's easy to look at the GCE now and say it is a no-brainer, but just think about why this is possible: you used to have to buy a light bulb or change out an energy device from your limited facilities budget of cash on hand.  Once the budget was gone, there was no way to upgrade your facility to be energy efficient.  That cycle continued year after year, never allowing for a full facility upgrade, as most budgets are for maintenance, not for infrastructure upgrades. Even good planning would be derailed, as every year the "new widget" got the capital that was going to go to energy, and energy planning took the back seat for yet another year or two on the budgets. Sound familiar?

Now the CFO can work together with the facilities team

Energy infrastructure now requires no budgets or up front capital.  Simply let the energy savings pay for the project.  If you do a project that has 25% IRR on energy, and utilizes a green energy loan program with interest at 4.5%, then you have generated 20.5% savings year over year, and not used a single bit of your capital to accomplish the project.  The big difference is that now lenders and CFO's are comfortable loaning money for an energy project, because the GCE follows a system and engineering that allow the energy savings to be GUARANTEED.  Without the guarantee, there is no bank to loan the money, and there is no CFO confidence in the cash flow. With the guarantee, it's a sound financial decision allowing energy loan money to upgrade your facility and save you energy...Time to schedule your meeting.



We have always been advisors for schools to assist with funding and incentive programs, it was our business way before COVID, we’ve helped hundreds of schools. but as you can imagine after COVID, this is the most programs we have ever seen. 

Our team of advisors is skilled and experienced in CARES, CRRSA, ESSER I, ESSER II, and ESSER III. We also have USDA programs that are one-time grants, but require careful navigation and applications.  Have you had the time to utilize energy as part of the strategy?

We provide a detailed report of your air quality and building health, with analysis and recommendations to meet your safety needs, energy needs, and regulatory guidelines.  Have you had time to put together energy reports as part of your response on those programs yet?

Contact your advisor, or our office today to schedule your “COVID Incentives” review meeting.

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About Us

The Guaranteed Clean Energy (GCE) team is a group of fiduciary advisors specializing in efficiency, sustainability, and clean energy. We believe that by having and advisor on your side of the table providing the insight and experience needed, you can have a lasting impact on your energy infrastructure that goes well beyond your utility bills.

Comprised of project managers, engineers and energy specialists we genuinely care about helping organizations. We focus on energy projects that are good for people, planet, and profit. The GCE believes deeply in energy projects, as they are a combination of mind, nature, technological innovation, strategy, and working with a combined interest to make everyone better together

Every project is guaranteed to be cash flow positive, making every project living proof of the power of successful energy projects to our communities. Imagine using energy that you no longer use to pay for the upgrades you always wanted, we do it every day, and it still excites us.

We specialize in advising customers in the education, municipality, and healthcare markets.

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